Sex workers. D.A. Vance Ends Prosecution of Prostitution and Unlicensed Massage, A First in New York State

D.A. Also Dismisses Existing Prostitution Matters Before the Office, Including 900 Cases Dating Back to 1970s, and All Loitering for the Purpose of Prostitution Cases Following New York’s Repeal of “Walking While Trans”


Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, Jr., today announced the Office’s new policy to decline-to-prosecute prostitution and unlicensed massage, and appeared virtually in Manhattan Criminal Court and moved to dismiss 914 Prostitution and Unlicensed Massage cases – in line with the Office’s new policy – preventing unnecessary future contacts with the criminal justice system, eliminating the collateral consequences associated with having a prostitution case or conviction, and empowering New Yorkers to interact with law enforcement without fear of arrest or deportation. D.A. Vance also moved to dismiss 5,080 Loitering for the Purpose of Prostitution cases, following New York State’s repeal of the statute known as “Walking While Trans” earlier this year.


“Over the last decade we’ve learned from those with lived experience, and from our own experience on the ground: criminally prosecuting prostitution does not make us safer, and too often, achieves the opposite result by further marginalizing vulnerable New Yorkers,” said District Attorney Vance…


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Sex workers. D.A. Vance Ends Prosecution of Prostitution and Unlicensed Massage, A First in New York State