discussion paper

Trends in job-related training and policies for building future skills into the recovery

Jiaqi Li, Anna Valero, Guglielmo Ventura, CVER DP n. 33/2020

Employment Opportunities and High School Completion during the COVID-19 Recession

Kunwon Ahn, Jun Yeong Lee, John V. Winters, IZA DP n. 13802/2020

Closing the Gap Between Vocational and General Education? Evidence from University Technical Colleges in England

Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally, Camille Terrier, Guglielmo Ventura, CVER DP n. 231/2020

Happier with Vocational Education?

Giorgio Brunello, IZA DP n. 13739/2020

Working from Home in Developing Countries

C. Gottliebt al., IZA DP n. 13737/2020

Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the CARES Act on Earnings and Inequality

Guido Matias Cortes, Eliza Forsythe, IZA DP n. 13643/2020