Reimbursement rules for posted workers: mapping national law in the EU28

Zane Rasnača, Etui Background analysis, n. 1/2019

Should digital labour platforms be treated as private employment agencies?

Valerio De Stefano, Mathias Wouters, Etui Foresight Brief, aprile 2019

Far-Right Populist Strategies of Mobilization: “Shameless Normalization”

Etui, Universität Wien, FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds, Lancaster University, 23 gennaio 2019

Perché e come ridurre l’orario di lavoro

Stan De Spiegelaere, Agnieszka Piasna, Etui, Dicembre 2018

Work in the platform economy: Deliveroo riders in Belgium and the Smart arrangement

Jan Drahokoupil, Agnieszka Piasna, Etui WP, n. 1/2019

The world(s) of work in transition

Sara Hammerton, David Poyser, Etui, 27 giugno 2018

The why and how of working time reduction

Stan De Spiegelaere, Agnieszka Piasna , Etui, dicembre 2017

Shaping the world of work in the digital economy

Christophe Degryse, ETUI, 1 gennaio 2017