
Industrial relations: Developments 2015–2019

C. Welz et al., Eurofound FR, 11 dicembre 2020

Women and labour market equality: Has COVID-19 rolled back recent gains?

M. Bisello et al., Eurofound PB, 9 dicembre 2020

Telework and ICT-based mobile work: Flexible working in the digital age

O. Vargas-Llave et al., Eurofound RP, 16 gennaio 2020

New forms of employment

I. Mandl et al., Eurofound RP, 2015

Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Human health sector

Pablo Sanz, Peter Kerckhofs, Eurofound RP, 12 novembre 2020

Labour market change. ERM report 2020: Restructuring across borders

J. Hurley et al., Eurofound, 10 novembre 2020

Working conditions in sectors

K. Lenaerts et al., Eurofound RP, 5 novembre 2020

European Company Survey 2019. Workplace practices unlocking employee potential

Gijs Van Houten, Giovanni Russo, Cedefop, Eurofound FR, 13 ottobre 2020

Living, working and COVID-19

D. Ahrendt et al., Eurofound RR, 28 settembre 2020

Capacity building for effective social dialogue in the European Union

C. Welz et al., Eurofound RR, 10 settembre 2020

Role of social partners in tackling discrimination at work

Tina Weber, Catherine Cerf, Eurofound, 31 agosto 2020

At your service: Working conditions of interactive service workers

F.F. Eiffe et al., Eurofound PB, 14 luglio 2020

COVID-19: Policy responses across Europe

Tina Weber et al., Eurofound RP, 24 giugno 2020

Minimum wages in 2020: Annual review

Christine Aumayr-Pintar, Matthias Rasche, Eurofound Research Report, 4 giugno 2020

Labour market change: Trends and policy approaches towards flexibilisation

T. Weber et al., Eurofound Flagship Report, 16 aprile 2020