Globalisation slowdown? Recent evidence of offshoring and reshoring in Europe
Report Eurofound, 2016
I trend del mercato del lavoro europeo secondo l’ultimo rapporto quinquennale Eurofound
Federica Romano a Radio Radio Radicale, 27 dicembre 2016
Giovanna Carosielli, Agnese Moriconi
Sustainable work throughout the life course: National policies and strategies
Eurofound, luglio 2016
New topics, new tools and innovative practices adopted by the social partners
Eurofound, luglio 2016
Working and caring: Reconciliation measures in times of demographic change
Jean-Marie Jungblut (Eurofound, 22 ottobre 2015)
Social inclusion of young people
Massimiliano Mascherini, Anna Ludwinek, Stefanie Ledermaier (Eurofound, 21 settembre 2015)
Delivering public services: a greater role for the private sector?
Elma Caicedo, Egidijus Barcevičius (Eurofound, 17 settembre 2015)