European Commission

Undeclared work in the European Union – Report

European Commission, Special Eurobarometer 498, febbraio 2020

New evidence on platform workers in Europe

U. Brancati et al., European Commission, gennaio 2020

The Social Dimensions of ‘Greening the Economy’

Bob Hancké, Alex Bowen, European Commission, 8 gennaio 2020

Practical guide on posting of workers

European Commission, novembre 2019

European Jobs Monitor 2019: Shifts in the employment structure at regional level

John Hurley et al., Eurofound Research Report, 7 ottobre 2019

A Union that strives for more. My agenda for Europe

Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission, 16 luglio 2019

European Economic Forecast – Spring 2019

European Commission, Institutional Paper n. 102/2019

European legal framework for “digital labour platforms”

Antonio Aloisi, Valerio De Stefano, European Commission, 20 ottobre 2018

10 Trends Transforming Education as We Know It

European Commission, 14 novembre 2017

European Economic Forecast – Autumn 2017

European Commission, Institutional Paper, n. 63/2017