European Commission, 13 marzo 2018
Tools and approaches for tackling undeclared work in the the construction sector
Davide Venturi, European Commission, 3 maggio 2017
Wages and nominal and real unit labour cost differentials in EMU
Gustav A. Horn, Andrew Watt, European Commission, DP., n. 59/2017
Commission recommendation on the on the European Pillar of Social Rights
European Commission, 26 aprile 2017
The role of key stakeholders in tackling future challenges on the labour market
Marianne Thyssen, Keynote speech alla conferenza "Quality Jobs for All", Ljubljana.
A New Europass Framework: helping people make their skills and qualifications more visible
European Commission
The Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative three years on
European Commission, 4 ottobre 2016
Study on the implementation of the autonomous framework agreement on harassment and violence at work
European Commission, 21 settembre 2016