European Commission

Joint Employment Report 2017

European Commission, 3 marzo 2017

EU boost for long-term apprenticeships in Europe

European Commission, 5 ottobre 2017

REFIT Evaluation of the ‘Written Statement Directive’

European Commission, 26 aprile 2017

Wages and nominal and real unit labour cost differentials in EMU

Gustav A. Horn, Andrew Watt, European Commission, DP., n. 59/2017

Reflection paper on the social dimension of Europe

European Commission, 26 aprile 2017

The role of key stakeholders in tackling future challenges on the labour market

Marianne Thyssen, Keynote speech alla conferenza "Quality Jobs for All", Ljubljana.

Skills Agenda for Europe

European Commission, 21 ottobre 2016

Labour market and wage developments in EU

European Commission, ottobre 2016

Italy’s Productivity Conundrum

European Commission, Discussion Paper 030, maggio 2016

A study on R&D tax system

European Commission, 2014