ILO, UNESCO, aprile 2020
ILO Monitor 2nd edition: COVID-19 and the world of work. Updated estimates and analysis
ILO, 7 aprile 2020
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and employment policies in the Philippines
Josef T. Yap, Aubrey D. Tabuga, Christian D. Mina, ILO WP n. 4/2020
Telework in the 21st Century – Telework and its effects in Europe
Lutz Gschwind, Oscar Vargas, ILO, novembre 2019
Ishabh Kumar Dhir, Umberto Cattaneo, Maria Victoria Cabrera Ormaza, Hernan Coronado, Martin Oelz, ILO, 3 febbraio 2020
ILO, 21 giugno 2019
Youth transitions and lifetime trajectory
Juan Chacaltana, Sara Elder, Miso Lee, ILO Employment WP n. 253/2019
Nina Billorou, Jimena Sandoya, ILO, dicembre 2019
Futuro del Lavoro, lavoro del futuro – Convegno CIDA
Intervento di Francesco Seghezzi al Convegno sul Centenario dell’ILO, Milano, 10 dicembre 2019
The future of work: Trade unions in transformation
International Journal of Labour Research, n. 1-2/2019
Ending child labour, forced labour and human trafficking in global supply chains
ILO, OECD, Unicef, IOM, 12 novembre 2019
Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers. An Initial Assessment
World Bank Group, WHO, ILO, WaterAid, 14 novembre 2019