Futuro del Lavoro, lavoro del futuro – Convegno CIDA

Intervento di Francesco Seghezzi al Convegno sul Centenario dell’ILO, Milano, 10 dicembre 2019

The future of work: Trade unions in transformation

International Journal of Labour Research, n. 1-2/2019

Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers. An Initial Assessment

World Bank Group, WHO, ILO, WaterAid, 14 novembre 2019

What Works. Promoting Pathways to Decent Work

Report ILO, 16 ottobre 2019

Working on a warmer planet. The effect of heat stress on productivity and decent work

Tord Kjellstrom, Nicolas Maître, Catherine Saget, Matthias Otto and Tahmina Karimova, ILO, 1 luglio 2019

Working conditions and workers’ health

Bettina Kubicek et al., Eurofound RR, 13 maggio 2019

Working conditions in a global perspective

Mariya Aleksynska et al., Eurofound, ILO, 6 maggio 2019