Deregulating Teacher Labor Markets
Simon Burgess, Ellen Greaves. Richard Murphy, IZA DP n. 12592/2019
Labour Market Flows: Accounting for the Public Sector
Idriss Fontaine, Ismael Galvez-Iniesta, Pedro Maia Gomes, Diego Vila-Martin, IZA DP n. 12579/2019
The platform economy and social law: Key issues in comparative perspective
Isabelle Daugareilh, Christophe Degryse and Philippe Pochet, Etui WP n. 10/2019
Connecting People with Jobs. Strengthening Active Labour Market Policies in Italy
OECD, 15 maggio 2019
Reimbursement rules for posted workers: mapping national law in the EU28
Zane Rasnača, Etui Background analysis, n. 1/2019
The online job vacancy market in the EU. Driving forces and emerging trends
Cedefop Research paper, n. 72/2019
Should digital labour platforms be treated as private employment agencies?
Valerio De Stefano, Mathias Wouters, Etui Foresight Brief, aprile 2019
Work in deregulated labour markets: a research agenda for precariousness
Valerio Pulignano, Etui WP, n. 3/2019
Better together: Active and passive labour market policies in developed and developing economies
Clemente Pignatti, Eva Van Bell, ILO WP, n. 37/2018
Determinants of automation risk in the EU labour market: A skills needs approach
Konstantinos Pouliakas, IZA, DP n. 11829/2018
Fabio Berton, Dario Guarascio, Andrea Ricci, INAPP Paper, n. 12/2018
Labour market attractiveness in the EU
Joao Sollari Lopes, Sonia Quaresma, Marco Moura, Eurostat, 9 marzo 2018
Antitrust remedies for labor market power
Suresh Naidu, Eric A. Posner, E. Glen Weyl, SSRN, 23 febbraio 2018