Informarsi per capire
Integrazione dei migranti, professionalizzazione e attrattività nel settore domestico: quali prospettive nel prossimo mandato legislativo dell’Ue?
Workplace Peer Effects in Fertility Decisions
The gender gap in pension: A cohort of birth approach
Iper-luoghi e spazi di interazione: lo smart working nelle aree interne
Platform cooperatives and employment: An alternative for platform work
Fair and quality work for all
The Impact of High Temperatures on Performance in Work-Related Activities
Effetti asimmetrici nelle tre crisi: economia, inflazione e salari in Italia
Impact of climate change and climate policies on living conditions, working conditions, employment and social dialogue: A conceptual framework
The future of vocational education and training in Europe
L’occupazione attivata dal Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza e le sue caratteristiche
The Price and Employment Response of Firms to the Introduction of Minimum Wages
Microcredentials for labour market education and training
Teachers and trainers in a changing world
Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training. Case study: Italy
Global labor shortage and skill mismatch
The effects of COVID-19 on businesses: key versus non-key firms
Decomposition of Italian Inequality
The Algorithmic Management of work and its implications in different contexts
Engaging employers in work-based learning and apprenticeships: A recommendations paper
Tweets by bollettinoADAPT
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