research report

Working conditions and workers’ health

Bettina Kubicek et al., Eurofound RR, 13 maggio 2019

Working conditions in a global perspective

Mariya Aleksynska et al., Eurofound, ILO, 6 maggio 2019

Taxing Wages – Italy

OECD, 11 aprile 2019

The future of manufacturing in Europe

Donald Storrie, Eurofound Research Report, 10 aprile 2019

Concept and practice of a living wage

John Hurley, Carlos Vacas Soriano, Marcel Muraille, Eero Lantto, Eurofound RR., 30 novembre 2018

Annual review of working life 2017

Eurofound, Research Report, 22 ottobre 2018

Automation, digitalisation and platforms: Implications for work and employment

Enrique Fernández Macías, Eurofound, 24 maggio 2018

Taxing Wages 2018

OECD, 26 aprile 2018

Gender equality at work

J. Cabrita et al., Eurofound RR., 2 marzo 2020