Public-private partnerships for skills development. A governance perspective – Volume I
ETF, dicembre 2020
European Commission, 30 novembre 2020
Improving evidence on VET: Comparative data and indicators
OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper n. 250/2020
The importance of being vocational. Challenges and opportunities for VET in the next decade
Cedefop, ETF DP, luglio 2020
VET e fabbisogni professionali. Le qualificazioni della meccanica
A cura di Fabrizio Giovannini, Inapp Report, n. 5/2018
European Parliament President Martin Schulz message on Cedefop's 40th anniversary
Cedefop, 12 maggio 2015
European Parliament President Martin Schulz message on Cedefop’s 40th anniversary
Cedefop, 12 maggio 2015