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Bollettino speciale
15 gennaio 2010, n 3
Green Economy and Female Employment: More and Better Jobs?
edited by Francesca Mattioli
Oecd green growth strategy as a sustainable way to create jobs should be supported during G20 Summit in Pittsburgh on 24-25 September 2009
A literature review in the field of climate change and its impact on employment
Fifteen company case studies across a range of sectors examining how businesses are being influenced by, and responding to climate change and related policies, with a summary report pulling out the main lessons
Green jobs
Summary of the results of the Employ-RES research project conducted on behalf of the European Commission DG Energy and Transport
Green jobs
Employment, Equity, Equality
The publication combines the trade union consensus positions developed under the leadership of the ITUC with sectoral perspectives of the Global Union Federations
International Seminar on Greening Education, 30 September-2 October
The study calculates that, in Spain, the creation of green jobs came at great financial cost as well as cost in terms of jobs destroyed elsewhere in the economy
Overview of the links between the skills profile of the labour force and environmental factors
Thematic background paper
This special Bulletin has been issued within the WiRES project. WiRES (Women in Renewable Energy Sector) is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, budget heading, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue.
Pubblicazione on line della Collana Adapt
ISSN 2240-2721
Registrazione n.1609,
11 novembre 2001,
Tribunale di Modena.
Il Bollettino è realizzato in collaborazione con
i soci di Adapt.
Per l'invio di materiali e la collaborazione con il Bollettino scrivi a redazione@adapt.it.