Adapt - Associazione per gli Studi Internazionali e Comparati sul Diritto del lavoro e sulle Relazioni Industriali

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Oecd, 2009
Oecd green growth strategy as a sustainable way to create jobs should be supported during G20 Summit in Pittsburgh on 24-25 September 2009
Peter Szovics, Manfred Tessaring, Clive Walmsley, John McGrath, 2009
Vladimìr Spidla, Member of the European Commission for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 22 June 2009
Speech of Vladimir Spidla at the opening of the Restructuring Forum, Bruxelles (in French)
WWF, June 2009
On the ground of new standards set by the EU Climate and Energy package, the report forecasts job creation and job losses in EU countries and industries
International Labour Office, June 2009
The report highlights the linkages between climate change and the world of work
Angel Gurria, OECD Secretary-General, 9 June 2009
Remarks by Angel Gurria delivered at the International Economic Forum of the Americas (Conference of Montreal) - Day 2 Plenary Session "Energy & Sustainable Development in the Context of the Economic Crisis" on the importance of green investments not only for environmental progress but also as a propel for “green” economic growth and “green-collar” jobs
United Nations Development Programme, April 2009
The paper focuses on environmental investments and in particular on environmental public employment programs, which are programs that provide income and employment to poor unemployed people by engaging them in activities that result in environmental rehabilitation and conservation
Tar Piemonte 5 giugno 2009
Ricostruite le definizioni di biomasse e rifiuti contenute nella normativa nazionale e comunitaria, per chiarire ambiti applicativi, compatibilità e competenze degli enti locali
The Pew Charitable Trusts, June 2009
Between 1998 and 2007, jobs in the green economy grew at a rate of 9.1 percent, while traditional jobs grew by only 3.7 percent. The report provides a data-driven definition of the clean energy economy and carries on the count across all 50 states of the jobs and companies that supply the growing market demand for green products and services
The bill increases fundings for energy worker training programs under Title IV, Subtitle B, Part 1 (“Green Jobs”) and establishes climate change worker adjustment assistance under Part 2
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Green jobs
Michele Tiraboschi
(Direttore Responsabile)
Giulia Rossi
Lisa Rustico
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