Adapt - Associazione per gli Studi Internazionali e Comparati sul Diritto del lavoro e sulle Relazioni Industriali

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Blue Green Alliance, June 2009
This US labor- environmental partnership’s report forecasts that 850.000 manifacturing jobs will be created further to the approval of a regulation which will set National Renewable Electricity standard of 25 percent renewable rate by 2025
José María Roig Aldasoro, Government of Navarre, 21 aprile 2009
Official letter of the Regional Minister of Innovation, Enterprise and Employment for the Government of Navarre on how green investment has created wealth, employment and technological development in Spain
Acona CMG, ACRE,Thomson Reuters, 2009
Global survey aimed at professionals working in the climate change and emissions trading markets to gain understanding of their roles in this quickly evolving field
Gabriel Calzada Álvarez, Raquel Merino Jara, Juan Ramón Rallo Julián, José Ignacio García Biella, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, March 2009
The study calculates that, in Spain, the creation of green jobs came at great financial cost as well as cost in terms of jobs destroyed elsewhere in the economy
The European Parliament and the Council
Part of the Climate and energy package, the Decision establishes binding standards for reducing emissions in sectors that are not covered by the EU ETS
The European Parliament and the Council
On the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC
Giulia Rossi
Presentazione delle ragioni economiche che promuovono l'occupazione nei settori verdi
Lisa Rustico
Presentazione delle strategie per l'analisi delle competenze nei settori verdi
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Green jobs
Michele Tiraboschi
(Direttore Responsabile)
Giulia Rossi
Lisa Rustico
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