Adapt - Associazione per gli Studi Internazionali e Comparati sul Diritto del lavoro e sulle Relazioni Industriali

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In March 2009, UNEP launches the Global Green New Deal, an initiative which invites member states to stimulate the economy while simultaneously addressing the interconnected global climate, food, fuel and water challenges that threaten society over the medium term
Ambra Barboni
Presentazione del quadro istituzionale che promuove l'occupazione nei settori eco-sostenibili e comparazione di alcuni esempi nazionali per la "transizione giusta"
GHK Consulting, 29 May 2009
A literature review in the field of climate change and its impact on employment
GHK Consulting, 29 May 2009
Fifteen company case studies across a range of sectors examining how businesses are being influenced by, and responding to climate change and related policies, with a summary report pulling out the main lessons
TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, SEOR Erasmus University Rotterdam, ZSI Centre for Social Innovation, May 2009
Comprehensive sectoral analysis of emerging competences and economic activities in the European Union focusing on the electricity, gas, water and waste sector
Cnel, 20 aprile 2009
La valutazione degli impatti economici e occupazionali del pacchetto europeo del 20-20-20 in Italia: una proposta metodologica applicata ai comparti della produzione eolica e fotovoltaica
Fraunhofer, Ecofys, EEG, Rütter + Partner, SEURECO, LEI, April 2009
Summary of the results of the Employ-RES research project conducted on behalf of the European Commission DG Energy and Transport
Andrew Morriss, William Bogart, Andrew Dorchak, Roger Meiners, March 2009
Wider Opportunities for Women, February 2009
Robert Michaels, Robert Murphy, Institute for Energy Research, January 2009
An assessment of the literature
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Green jobs
Michele Tiraboschi
(Direttore Responsabile)
Giulia Rossi
Lisa Rustico
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