WiRES (Women in Renewable Energy Sector)
is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities*.
Adapt – Association for International and Comparative Studies in Labour Law and Industrial Relations (Italy)
UPEE – Union for Private Economic Enterprise (Bulgaria)
University of Szeged, Faculty of Law (Hungary)
City of Chemnitz-Zwickau (Germany)
Enel Green Power (Italy)
ISTUR (Bulgaria)
LIFE-Genanet (Germany)
National Counsellor for Gender Equality at Work (Italy)
Regione Sardegna (Italy)
VBFF (Germany)
Etech (Germany)
Cisl nazionale
Flaei Cisl
Aim of the analysis
To investigate:
- the role of social dialogue to boost female employment rates and to improve working conditions in the Renewable Energy sector;
- how social partners may play a relevant role in anticipating specific skill needs in order to ensure that companies and workers are equipped to face new and redefined jobs;
- equal opportunities through a multi-level approach by taking into account access to the labour market, career ladders (with a special focus on glass-ceiling) and gender pay gap;
- work-life balance focus flexible time arrangements, sufficient care services and following policies that strengthen equal workload sharing in the private sphere.
The research
The research will break down in three main phases, combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies and a multidisciplinary approach:
Phase 1: scope of the study. Selection of a panel made up by five countries, and identification of specific issues – both related to production methods and cultural context – faced by women in the industries in RE sector.
Phase 2: the role of sectoral tables and public local authorities dealing with the promotion of female employment in renewable energy sector. Analysis of the structure and practice of the social dialogue in relation to women workers’ transition, access to labour market and family-friendly services.
Phase 3: regional case studies selected both at national, local and company level. Best practices of social dialogue and policy recommendations.
- an international conference (February 2010) with concerned key actors from social dialogue and business sector aimed at introducing the issues at stake and previous relevant experiences of social dialogue for the implementation of climate change policies, after which a kick off meeting among partners will be held;
- three thematic workshops will be held with the aim of collecting data and promoting social dialogue among parties and regional key actors. Each workshop may focus on a certain aspect related to the promotion of female employment in RE sectors, taking into account raising concerns and national specificities related to bargaining assets. Three main research areas will be investigated, namely: women workers’ transition, access and family-friendly services in the selected specific divisions within the RE sector;
- an electronic Dossier to be published after each workshop will summarize main results and interventions. The contents of each dossier, including articles and comments to be written also by the partners, will be examined by the partners at the end of each workshop;
- a final conference (November 2010) for the presentation of the research outcomes;
- an electronic forum will be set up to facilitate the exchange of information among partners, regularly updated with the most recent developments in the European debate;
- the implementation of a website page with the purpose of disseminating legal and collective bargaining provisions, and the good practices and experiences of industrial relations actors.
A final report explaining the results of the research.
A guide of good practices and a set of recommendations for policy makers and social partners will be provided
Added value of the research: expected outcomes and lasting impact
The lasting impacts deal with the transferability of the methodology approach and the political agenda.
By building a new clustering and ranking technique, we will provide for a scientific model which could further the state of art of the issue of women and green jobs.
For more information and material about the project, please visit the online cooperation area dedicated to WiRES at http://moodle.adapt.it (log in as a guest).
Final Report
* Budget heading, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue